Galvanische Oberflächen

General Information

Galvanic surfaces differ from chemical surfaces in that the layout must include an electrical connection to all copper surfaces to be plated. Subsequent mechanical or etching removal of the leads is possible, but is technically complex and can only be carried out with restrictions from the design point of view.


Electroplated Nickel/Gold - Fine Gold

As an alternative to electroless nickel/thick gold, the surface for gold wire bonding can be electroplated. The reliability problems with soldering on high gold layer thicknesses correspond to those of chem. Thick gold. The storage time is more than 12 months.

More Surfaces

Electroplated Nickel/Hard Gold - Plug Gold

Hard gold alloyed with cobalt, carbon or nickel (hardness 60-180 HV) is used for insertion connectors (0.8 – 2 µm), sliding contacts (2 – 5 µm) and for long-term stable tip contacts. This surface is not intended for soldering, although practiced for some applications.

As an alternative to hard gold, tip and sliding contacts can be provided with carbon lacquer at a lower cost, provided that suitable mating contacts are used (see information on lacquers and foils).

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Special Technologies

Special technology: Galvanic silver

Analogous to silver-plated plug contacts, which are often found in high-current applications, plug connectors can also be silver-plated in a special process. Plug contacts are fundamentally more reliable if both sides have the same metallization.

Special technology: Galvanic tin

Surfaces can be electroplated with pure tin. This is only used in special applications.

Special technology: Galvanic tin/lead solder deposit

The galvanic deposition of SnPb as solder deposit saves the application of solder paste, which is a potential source of errors during assembly, especially with small components. The uniform solder layer is also particularly advantageous.

This surface is now only very rarely practiced.

For further questions regarding electroplated surfaces, please contact our technology manager Dr. Lehnberger:

Webinar Impedanzen & HF-Leiterplatten

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 11. und 13.03. einen Einblick in Hochfrequenz-Leiterplatten und Impedanzkontrolle geben.

Webinar: Power-Leiterplatten

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 14.01. und 16.01. einen Einblick in Power-Leiterplatten geben.

Webinar: Flex-Starrflex

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 10.12. und 12.12. einen Einblick in Flex-Starrflex geben.

Webinar: Heizfolien

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 12.11. und 14.11. einen Einblick in Heizfolien geben.

Designregeln und Aufbau

Unser Technologieleiter, Herr Dr. Lehnberger, wird Ihnen am 11. und 13.02. einen Einblick in Designregeln und Aufbau geben.